Peace from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ be unto the media and publishing fraternity in Ghana.


We count it a great joy and blessed privilege to have the media and publishing fraternity in the nation join us of the Ghana Evangelical Society to broadcast the Christmas message of glad tidings and good will, of peace, joy and hope to the church, government, nation and people of Ghana.  The message is about DIVINE ALTAR of MERCY, PEACE, JOY and HOPE for nation, people, creation, friends and all.


We speak first on behalf of the Most High God, second on behalf of the Ghana Evangelical Society and third, on our own behalf as Servant of the Most High God, Apostle-Prophet and Voice of God to church and nations on national, continental, global and human affairs.


The Lord would have His servant bring the goodnews of He Jehovah God establishing a special Divine Altar of Mercy, Peace, Joy and Hope first for the people and nation of Ghana.  The message is a message of deliverance of nation and people.  It is intended to deliver the nation from confusion and desolation and to lift the people in the nation out of despondency and bring them to a place of PEACE, JOY and HOPE in DIVINE Mercy and Goodness and the Holy Hand of Jehovah God.  Amen.


The message brings comfort and hope for a people bewildered, confused and disillusioned concerning developments in the governance of the nation and the political, economic and social direction of the country as a whole.


The Most High God is very disturbed and indeed concerned over the mourning, cries and fears of mothers of the land confused and concerned about the uncertainty with the present state of affairs, the future of their children and the fate of the youth of the current generation and generations to come.


Not only that, the Most High God is also deeply affected by the loss of confidence, trust and hope among active and loyal citizens of the country with the governance, management and conduct of affairs of the country.  Many of the citizens of Ghana are His children with faith, trust and hope in the worship of Him, Jehovah God.  Their comfort, wellbeing and hope in life is of prime concern to Him Jehovah as well as the welfare, progress and happiness of the entire people.  Jehovah God would want peace, righteousness stability, progress and prosperity to reign in the country.


As matters stand now, people see no light nor any window of change open for escape.  There is therefore disillusionment everywhere.  Many have programmes and projects on hold just waiting and looking on. Participation in economic and social enterprise, politics and social action have as a result been adversely affected.  The children and youth in the land are thus the most challenged of the population.  The future has thus become bleak for millions and hence the nation. 


It is with this in mind that the Most High God has directed His servant with a message in the spirit of “COMFORT YE MY PEOPLE” intended to assure His church people in particular and the entire people and nation as a whole that HE HAS HEARD THEIR CRIES.


It must be mentioned here that the majority of citizens of Ghana about 70% in fact, confess HOPE IN GOD through faith in Jesus Christ.  The Christian God, Father of Jesus Christ is accordingly the God of Ghana.  It should not be strange He is concerned about the living conditions and state of the nation.  Besides, God the Creator has special love and passion towards Ghana.  God has chosen Ghana as nation and people for His Inheritance and Kingdom Glory Order for Ghana to serve as Light, Star and Model for a New Africa of God Kingdom Glory, Reign and Rule in Africa.  Above all, the hitherto state of peace, stability, security and hope in Ghana is the direct work of Jehovah God for the country with and through the Church in Ghana.


Ghana stands now, for all intents and purposes both in spiritual and socio-cultural terms as a de facto Christian nation.  Indeed, Jehovah God has made His abode in the country through the church in Ghana.  As the scriptures declare, the church is the dwelling place of God in the Spirit in nations (Eph. 2: 19-22; Is. Chap. 12).


Now the nation is entering the Christmas season in which the whole world of all races, belief systems and religious practices, philosophical and ideological persuasions, convictions and practices are celebrating and honouring the SON GIVEN, JESUS CHRIST, Son of the Living God, Lord, Saviour and Redeemer.  Jesus Christ is the height and epitome of Divine revelation of God Himself and His Love for His creation on earth.  Christ has come for the redemption of fallen man, the redirection of human affairs and that of creation on earth as a whole, and for the establishment of a new world order in the knowledge, honour and glory of Him.


The Most High God has chosen the Christmas season therefore to BRING GLAD TIDINGS of COMFORT and ASSURANCE OF PEACE, JOY and HOPE for His beloved and chosen nation and people of Ghana, particularly the disillusioned people who may well be wondering whether He Jehovah God has forsaken the country. People may indeed be asking Christian Ghana WHERE IS YOUR GOD?


 The Lord God Jehovah’s response is BE YE COMFORTED MY PEOPLE.  I HAVE NOT FORSAKEN MY NATION. I WILL NOT LET GHANA GO.  Redeemed Ghana will no more be forsaken.  She now stands as redeemed nation, a royal diadem and crown of glory in the Hand of God.  He has given Ghana the name Beulah (Is. 62: 1-5).  Ghana, Beulah Land, God Kingdom Glory State is a Shining Light and Star in Africa and on the Divine landscape among the comity of nations.


To Ghana therefore, the Lord brings Glad Tidings of PEACE and LOVE, JOY and HOPE as Christmas message for the entire nation. The ALTAR OF DIVINE MERCY, PEACE, JOY and HOPE for GHANA is an open and effectual door to church, nation and people as a Christmas present to all.


He has heard the cries of mourning and weeping Ghana.  He has opened His ears therefore unto the nation. His message of comfort and hope is PEACE and LOVE in His mercy for Ghana.  Let all the people call upon His name in the trying and challenging times.


LET ALL THE PEOPLE OF GHANA PRAISE HIM. Let the people of Ghana rise up in faith, trust and hope in Jehovah God, call upon His name and GO ABOUT THEIR BUSINESSES, PROJECTS, PROGRAMMES and all in the mercy, goodness and hope in God..  He will hear, heal, help and bring victory, joy and hope to church, nation and people.  Peace shall prevail.  Ghana will rise and stand again. Hallelujah!


Let all stretch out their hands in praise, thanksgiving and bless the Lord God Jehovah for the gift of His Son to all men and all nations and the world.  Let us celebrate the Christmas season with Praise and Thanksgiving to God and PEACE and LOVE and GOODWILL TO ALL. Christmas season 2013 is the Hour of Divine Visitation and Deliverance, Peace, Love, Hope and Glory to Ghana.


In closing, herewith brief information on the Ghana Evangelical Society (GES).


The Ghana Evangelical Society (GES) is a non-denominational evangelistic and missionary movement with motto Service to God: Service to Man. GES has been commissioned by the Lord Christ and the Father and given special commissions concerning church, nation and people with the Mosaic type redemption as well as Christ (Messianic) redemption and Kingdom mission of peoples and nations.  These are:-

·         The Revival of the Apostolic Faith in Church Building in Ghana

·         The Rebuilding of the Broken Walls of Ghana, based on Haggai, Ezra and Nehemiah

·         God Kingdom Glory in Ghana Mission based on Isaiah Chap. 62 verse 10


The vision and mission has been the reconciliation, deliverance, redemption and restoration of Ghana as Christian nation and godly people, establishing her as nation and people for God’s inheritance, marriage and standing as nation and people of God and Beulah Land under the Kingdom of God and His Christ with Divine reign and rule in Africa.


GES carried out the vision and mission, building Ghana, nation and the Kingdom of God, raising and establishing the high way of Divine Righteousness and God Kingdom Order of Peace, Righteousness, Judgement, Justice and Joy in the worship and knowledge of God through faith in Jesus Christ.  The GES 40 year mission story is MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.  Ghana has been reconciled, delivered, rebuilt, restored to glory and established as a de facto Christian nation, Beulah Land, God Kingdom Glory State, Star of Africa.  Indeed, the Mission Accomplished is A NEW CHURCH, A NEW PEOPLE and A NEW NATION, A NEW GHANA that is of nation and people made holy unto Jehovah God.  As the Lord God Jehovah put it THIS IS THE HERITAGE and DESTINY of GLORY of the Society.


Ghana is now a nation and people under God, His reign and rule in the Spirit.  What is left is political and social arraignments that will not only reflect the Divine Kingdom Order and its glory in practical social terms but also leadership of deep righteous and Godly convictions and performance in humility and the knowledge and fear of God.


The Divine Christmas message of peace and goodwill is AN ALTAR OF DIVINE MERCY, PEACE, JOY and HOPE for NATION and PEOPLE.


Let every Ghanaian rejoice in Peace and Love, Trust, Joy and Hope in Jehovah God.  The present time of suffering and woe and mourning will soon pass away.


Our God Reigns.  Amen and amen!
